Obermarsberg - district of Marsberg


#deinsauerland / Outdooractive POIs / Obermarsberg - district of Marsberg

High up on the mountain, there it lies, the Altstadt Obermarsberg with its far-reaching history. Obermarsberg is the historical center of Marsberg.

Blick auf Obermarsberg

Stadtmauer Obermarsberg

Historisches Backhaus Obermarsberg

Benediktusbogen Obermarsberg

Buttenturm Obermarsberg


Museum der Stadt Marsberg

Nikolaikirche von Norden

Aussichtspunkt Rittersprung

Skulptur am Kirchplatz

Stiftskirche St. Peter und Paul Obermarsberg

Wasserturm Obermarsberg

Kettenbrunnen - Windenborn


Pranger - Schandpfahl - Altes Rathaus


Ortswappen Obermarsberg


Obermarsberg - district of Marsberg

Bäckerstraße 8

34431 Marsberg

Telefon: 02992-8200




In 772, during his Saxon campaign, Charlemagne conquered Eresburg, the largest Saxon folk castle known to date, and subsequently destroyed the Irminsul, a cult site of the Saxons. He had one of the first churches in Westfalen built there - the Stiftskirche St. Peter and Paul.The Nikolaikirche, located in the center of the village, is a pearl of early Gothic architecture.

Outside the old standing walls of Obermarsberg on the 373 m high Kalvarienberg stands a chapel built in 1868 as the end point of the Kalvarienweg.

From 1201 the name "Mons Martis" is used, from which the name Marsberg developed about 200 years later.

Today, the sights line up like small windows of time. The remains of the old town wall, pillory, Buttenturm, Benediktusbogen, Nikolaikirche, Kettenbrunnen and much more bring a piece of history to life.

The museum of the town of Marsberg is an extracurricular place of learning and a place for young and old to meet, study, educate and experience home.

Obermarsberg is full of fascinating, legendary and mysterious places. During a walk through the "Old Town on the Mountain", past historical sites, vantage points and long forgotten cult places, the secrets are revealed on the Legend and Story Trail through Obermarsberg. Everyone would like to learn these stories.

From the Sauerland Waldroute, the pilgrimage trail and several local hiking trails, you can enjoy magnificent views far into the Diemeltal valley.

Discover Obermarsberg:

Here you can find more about Obermarsberg.

Main opening times:

Sunday opened
Monday opened
Tuesday opened
Wednesday opened
Thursday opened
Friday opened
Saturday opened


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