- Parking spaces available
- Bus stop available
- free of charge / accessible at any time
The idyllically situated Jubachtalsperre - a drinking water reservoir - near Kierspe is somewhat hidden in the upper Volme valley and offers an entertaining stay for nature lovers with walking and hiking opportunities.
Jubach 1
58566 Kierspe
Walking trail around the Jubachtalsperre dam (2.7 km)
VolmeSchatz dams theme trail - the region's South Sea(s) (11.4 km)
Forest sofa with a great view of and over the dam
Forest sofa and panoramic picture frame with a view of the dam wall and over the dam
Bench to rest on
Gastronomy at or around the dam:
Hotel-Restaurant Haus Berkenbaum (distance approx. 5 km)
Parking facilities:
Free parking at the Vollme-Herlinghausen hiking parking lot. An information board shows the hiking and walking options.
Arrival by public transport:
MVG bus route 58 between Lüdenscheid and Meinerzhagen; stop: Vollme-Jubach
Further information:
The Jubachtalsperre is a drinking water reservoir. Entering the shore area is prohibited!
The Jubachtalsperre was completed between 1904 and 1906 according to the plans of Aachen professor Otto Intze. The dam wall is made of quarry stone and was built as a gravity dam. The wall is 152 m long, has a crown width of 4.5 m and is 27.7 m high. The dam has a maximum reservoir volume of 1.05 million m³ and its largest possible surface area is 11.7 ha.
The dam was reinforced and sealed with a reinforced concrete sealing wall from 1990 to 1991. An inspection corridor was created and the drainage and measuring equipment was renewed.
Initially, the facility was operated by the Volme Water Association. Today, the Lüdenscheid Water Procurement Association operates the facility.
The dam booklet of the Oben an der Volme region, including the Jubachtalsperre, is also available to download:
All information without guarantee!
The Jubachtalsperre can only be reached on foot. Parking is available at the Herlinghauser Weg hiking parking lot. This can be reached via the B 54, which is located on the left-hand side coming from Kierspe in the village of Vollme. If you cross the B 54 and follow the Jubachweg to the end, you will reach the idyllically situated Jubachtalsperre.