VHS - At eye level with the camera

#deinsauerland / Neusta Events / VHS - At eye level with the camera




Price information

32,90 p.p.


Grundschulverbund Lioba-Schule Warstein Schwarzer Weg 25
59581 Warstein
Target group: Photography enthusiasts who would like to familiarize themselves with the basics of their (new) digital camera.
The functions of a modern camera are explained step by step and questions are answered.
The focus is on:
- Camera setup
- Object selection
- Exposure programs
- Interaction of aperture, exposure time and ISO
- Image composition and design rules.
Practical exercises illustrate the use of exposure time and depth of field.
Note: Course starts from 6 registrations. A material fee (€ 0.50) is payable in cash to the course instructor on site. Please let us know the make and model of your camera before the course starts by calling 02941 2895-0 or sending an e-mail to vhs@lippstadt.de.


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