Play me the song from the movie!

#deinsauerland / Neusta Events / Play me the song from the movie!

Kulturgut Schrabben Hof


Bühne divers Konzert divers Sonstiges

Price information

16 €


Theater im Kulturgut Schrabben Hof Silberger Str. 32
57399 Kirchhundem

With Ulrike Wesely and Wolfgang Nieß

Legendary treasures from 100 years of film music with Ulrike Wesely (vocals and cello) and pianist Wolfgang Nieß with a presentation of multiple award-winning world hits such as The Wizard of Oz, Breakfast at Tiffany's and The Fabulous World of Amélie. Also included:
Excerpts from unforgettable Disney adventures and modern soundtracks.

In addition, the two exceptional artists will share interesting, astonishing, surprising and amusing facts about the musical screen legends in an entertaining way.

Start: 7.30 pm in the theater
Admission € 16


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