Rest area Vierkreuze

Rest area

#deinsauerland / Neusta POIs / Rest area Vierkreuze

The Vierkreuze rest area at 491 m above sea level and to the north-east of the Attendorn district of Windhausen offers wonderful views during a break.

Windhausen was first mentioned in a document in 1393 with the expression "toe Wynthusen". The place name can be interpreted as "by the houses on the pasture".

Rastplatz Vierkreuze (c) Naturpark Sauerland Rothaargebirge (1).jpg

Rastplatz Vierkreuze (c) Naturpark Sauerland Rothaargebirge (2).jpg


Rest area Vierkreuze

57439 Attendorn



A variety of hikes are possible around the Vierkreuze rest area, e.g. the

circular route via the Attendorn viewing balcony; a hike of 11 km.


Coordinates for the navigation system (WGS 84):

GPS: N 51° 9' 41 E 7° 52' 46

UTM: 32U 421658 5668371


The facility belongs to the Naturpark Sauerland Rothaargebirge e.V. and is maintained and serviced by them.

Should you nevertheless notice any soiling or damage, please let us know by sending an email to

(Source: Naturpark Sauerland Rothaargebirge e.V.)


Free admission: 0 €


Within walking distance.

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