In our physiotherapy practices in Anröchte, Büren, Lippstadt and Geseke, we offer you personalized treatment to improve or maintain your quality of life. To this end, it is important for us to conduct an intensive preliminary consultation with you (initial anamnesis) in order to find out the cause of your complaints. You will then be treated according to the latest findings by our therapists, who are always happy to provide you with further training.
In addition to physiotherapy, manual therapy, manual lymphatic drainage, PNF (proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation), Bobath and Vojta therapy for adults, massage, CMD treatment (temporomandibular joint treatment), craniosacral therapy, heat therapy and home visits in retirement homes, assisted living or at home, you can also receive trigger point therapy, fascia therapy, kinesiotaping, hot stone massage and aroma oil massage for your well-being.