Lingering place Arrival

Nature conservation area/natural monument

#deinsauerland / Neusta POIs / Lingering place Arrival

We invite you to a concert at the "Ankommen" lingering place: Listen to the forest orchestra with its many "instruments" and enjoy the special listening experience!

Verweil-Ort Ankommen

Verweil-Ort Ankommen Stele

Verweil-Ort Ankommen Aussicht


Lingering place Arrival

57399 Kirchhundem

Telephone: 02723 608-800

Fax: 02723 608-801



Consciously enjoy the "melodies" of the forest on the way to your next resting place:

Find a cozy spot, take a seat by a tree or lean comfortably against it, close your eyes and take in the diverse sounds of the forest! How many instruments are playing? Are there any disharmonies? Which "instrument" is dominant and...?

The resting place is located on the Rahrbacher Poesieweg circular trail, which stretches for around 8 km.

The surroundings create a calming atmosphere. You can pause at various stations along the way. Short, inspiring poems await visitors there, encouraging them to linger, reflect and feel a closer connection to nature.

A free booklet is available to enhance the experience on the Poetry Trail. This can be obtained from the Lennestadt & Kirchhundem Tourist Information Office or downloaded online.


Free admission: 0 €

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