Houses of culture

Cultural Center

#deinsauerland / Neusta POIs / Houses of culture

Houses of culture in the city center of Halver

Blick auf das Häuserensemble

Eingangsbereich eines der Häuser der Kultur

Eingang zu einem der Häuser

Blick auf die Schieferhäuser


Houses of culture

Frankfurter Straße 39, 41, 45

58553 Halver

Telephone: 02353/73143




  • Parking spaces available
  • für jedes Wetter
  • Free admission
  • open on request/by arrangement

As part of the Regionale 2013, the Houses of Culture were transformed into a socio-cultural centerrebuilt. These include the slate houses at Frankfurter Str. 39 (Tortenatelier) and 41 (Kunstverein VAKT) as well as Villa Wippermann, Frankfurter Str. 45 (see separate article). They serve as public facilities for cultural and social life in the Oben an der Volme region (Meinerzhagen, Kierspe, Halver and Schalksmühle) and are available to citizens, initiatives, associations and artists for culture, leisure and communication. Commercial uses are excluded, with the exception of the approved gastronomy in Frankfurter Str. 39.

Room sizes
Room 1: 10.54 m²
Room 2: 25.24 m²
Room 3: 14.39 m²

All information without guarantee!


The houses of culture are located in Halveran's city center. The houses are home to the Tortenatelier and the VAKT art association.

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