Egge-Diemel-School Westheim


#deinsauerland / Neusta POIs / Egge-Diemel-School Westheim

The school is a house of learning and life. All children are welcome. They are supported through activity-oriented lessons according to their individual needs. In this way, their enjoyment of learning and achievement is strengthened.

Egge-Diemel-Schule Westheim


Egge-Diemel-School Westheim

Franziskusstraße 4

34431 Marsberg

Telephone: 02994-793


  • Parking spaces available
  • Bus stop available

The partnership-based, trusting cooperation between pupils, parents, teachers and the OGS team is a prerequisite for the development of skills such as independence, willingness to take responsibility, appropriate conflict behavior and appreciation of all members of the community.

Seasonal festivals and celebrations offer the children opportunities to actively shape school life through their own contributions.
Special emphasis is placed on the arts and the regular implementation of literature projects. It is important to the school to introduce the children to a responsible lifestyle through regular exercise and a healthy diet.


Free admission: 0 €


From Marsberg train station bus route 494

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