Dünschede Hölzchen hiking parking lot

Parking facilities

#deinsauerland / Neusta POIs / Dünschede Hölzchen hiking parking lot

From the Dünschede Hölzchen hiking parking lot - located on the K 7 - you can enjoy nature and wonderful views on various hikes.

Dünschede lies on the former Heidenstraße. This location was conducive to early missionary work by Franconian monks. The existence of a church can be traced back to the 11th century. The place name Dünschede is derived from the chaplain Dietrich von Dusenschuren (around 1270). The wealthy Knights of Dusenschuren exercised great influence in the area in the period 1227-1457.

Impressionen des Wanderparkplatzes Hölzchen


Dünschede Hölzchen hiking parking lot

Heggener Straße

57439 Attendorn




  • Parking spaces available

Circular hiking tip around the Biggen Kopf: Hike along the A1 around the Biggen Kopf, for example. The 5 km long and easy circular trail leads through forests that were severely damaged by the storm Kyrill and therefore offer some wonderful views of the Attendorn area. From the Guilberg, for example, you can see the "Ahauser Stausee and cliffs" nature reserve and Heggen. The reservoir with its shallow water zone is an important resting place for water birds and its rocky forest biotopes are also of outstanding importance. Another wonderful view over the Repetal opens up at the "Dünschede Heiligenhäuschen". If the one-and-a-half-hour hike is too short for you, extend the loop to 10 km along the A5 hiking trail, which leads to Burg Schnellenberg.

Circular hiking tip around Heggen and the Ahauser Stausee reservoir: The 17 km long and beautiful circular hike around the village of Heggen and the Ahauser Stausee reservoir runs mostly along field and forest paths, with short sections on asphalt. There are some beautiful views and distant vistas. Further information can be found here.

Circular hiking tip through the lower Repetal valley: This scenic circular hike offers 13.5 km of beautiful views and leads partly on narrow paths through the lower Repetal valley, past the Peperburg ruins and Niederhelden. You can find the exact route here.


Coordinates for the navigation system (WGS 84):

GPS: N 51° 8' 34 E 7° 58' 7

UTM: 32U 427855 5666218


The facility belongs to the Naturpark Sauerland Rothaargebirge e.V. and is maintained and serviced by them.

Should you nevertheless notice any soiling or damage, please let us know by sending an email to info@npsr.de.

(Source: Naturpark Sauerland Rothaargebirge e.V.)


Free admission: 0 €


Accessible on foot and by car.

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