Auenland nature experience - ABU central information point

Nature conservation area/natural monument

#deinsauerland / Neusta POIs / Auenland nature experience - ABU central information point

The "Auenland Nature Experience" project is making the Lippeaue between Lippstadt and Vellinghausen and the Ahseaue with the Ahsewiesen meadows more attractive for people in the region and for visitors and making them easier to experience.

Rastplatz Lippe




Auenland nature experience - ABU central information point

Brückenstraße / Lippestraße

59510 Lippetal

Telephone: +49 2921 / 9698780



The aims of the project are

  • to create attractive opportunities to experience nature for the local population and visitors to the Lippe and Ahse floodplains,
  • linking nature-friendly development of the Lippeaue with nature conservation measures in the floodplains,
  • communicating the importance of near-natural floodplains for local people and visitors.

Attractive floodplain habitats with bodies of water and wetlands have been created at 11 locations. Numerous bird species use these places for breeding and resting, a rich insect fauna finds a habitat here and amphibians can be easily observed in the waters. The landscape becomes more attractive.

Observation points and resting places have been set up at eight of these interesting locations, and two existing ones have been optimized. Information at numerous waypoints, a brochure, a cycle map with lots of information on nature, culture and gastronomic offers as well as this website complete the attractive offer for those interested in nature.

There is also a canoe entry and exit point at the central information point on the Lippe bridge between Hovestadt and Herzfeld.


Free admission: 0 €

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