Sauerland comfort: Further promote barrier-free tourism

#deinsauerland / Service / Journalists & Bloggers / Presseinformationen / Sauerland comfort: Further promote barrier-free tourism

Barrier-free travel in the Sauerland and comfort for all - tourism managers, people with disabilities and experts representing their interests are working on this together and on and on. As a first important step, an action plan for barrier-free tourism in the Sauerland has been drawn up to show the way forward.

A working group, in which tourism experts from Olpe, Winterberg, Arnsberg, Menden, Meschede/Bestwig as well as representatives for the interests of people with disabilities of the Hochsauerlandkreis and the district of Olpe participated, dealt with concrete questions on the topic: Which tourist offers can also be used by people with disabilities? Which Sauerland hotels have already set out with barrier-free offers? How can these offers be made more visible online and offline, in a uniform, user-friendly presentation? How can the tourism database be linked to the content contained in databases of interest groups for people with disabilities?

Answers to these questions are to be found in further network meetings. As a first work task, a comparative analysis on barrier-free tourism in other tourist regions will be carried out until the next meeting, as well as ideas will be identified on how tourist offers for day and vacation guests can look for this target group - with the aim of continuous improvement. "From the very beginning, it is important to involve people with disabilities as experts in their own right," emphasizes Sabine Risse, Outdoor Manager and the person responsible for the topic of "Sauerland Comfort" at Sauerland Tourism.

Sauerland wants to offer all of its guests the best possible comfort and, in doing so, highlight barrier-free offerings more clearly in particular. Together with the initiative "Barrier-free in the Sauerland" of the LenneWerk in the Sozialwerk St. Georg Schmallenberg, Sauerland Tourism has therefore organized several impulse workshops and founded the network, which is now continuing the work.

Contact for the press:
Anna Galon, Sauerland-Tourismus e.V.
Johannes Hummel way 1, 57392 Schmallenberg
Tel.: 02974-969850, e-mail:


© LenneWerk / Michael Stracke

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