Water sports

Boating, stand-up paddling or diving... you will find all these and many more water sports opportunities in the Sauerland around the five large Sauerland-Seen and the numerous other bodies of water. While anglers take advantage of the quietness of the early morning hours and hope for a big catch, sailors wait at the Möhnesee for the right breeze for the next trip. A good sense of balance is required for stand-up paddling and those who like to relax simply reserve a place on one of the passenger boat trips and enjoy the landscape around the crystal clear water with a good piece of cake and a cup of coffee. The possibilities are endless!

Forellenzucht Linn - Fischerei Norbert Linn

Outdooractive Poi Fallback Bild

Qualität und Frische aus naturnaher Aufzucht.

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NamaSteg StandUp Paddleboard, Kayak & Ang

Outdooractive Poi Fallback Bild

StandUp paddleboard, kayak and fishing boat rental at Biggesee/Olpe-Sondern.

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Mr. Move - Sorpesee Surf School

Stand up paddling

Your surf school at the Sorpesee!

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Pedal boat hire on the Sorpesee


We in Sundern!

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Water sports Hennesee

SUP Hennesee

Water sports center for everyone

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Hennesee fishing


Fancy a fishing vacation? Our fishing package might be a good choice?

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Fishing in Olsberg - trout fishing

Stausee Olsberg

The Olsberg reservoir with the Ruhr flowing through it offers sport fishermen an excellent fishing ground.

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Stand Up Paddling Olpe

Stand up paddling

Open from April/May (depending on weather conditions) to September (for seasonal opening hours, please visit https://windsurfing-siegerland).

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Canoe rental WOOHOO Sorpesee


We in Sundern!

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Fishing school Bachfloh


A warm welcome!

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Kayak rental Hennesee

Kajak auf dem Hennesee

Kayak rental at lake Hennesee

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Sauerland anglers luck


Idyllically nestled between the Lenne floodplain and the edge of the forest, the fishing park "Sauerländer Anglerglück" in Lennestadt- Gleierbrück offers 7 ponds with different stocking on an area of more than 2 ha.

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Pedal and rowing boat rental at the boathouse Olpe

Tret- und Ruderbootverleih

A warm welcome!

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Boat rental Biggesee

Visit us at the Biggesee, become a captain and explore the beautiful reservoir on your own with one of our pedal boats or rowboats.

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Pedal boat rental Amecke


Pedal boat rental at the Airlebnisweg in Amecke at campsite 5 (camping at the dam)

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Diving School Biggesee GmbH


The diving school Biggesee belongs to the "Tauchschule Sauerland" association and is located directly at the lido of the camping site "Vier Jahreszeiten" at the Sonderner Kopf in Olpe, and has an exclusive diving area "Sonderner Kopf".

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Diving School Sorpesee GmbH


Diving school in Sundern!

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Sorpesee fishing


Your fishing pleasure at Sorpesee The fishing area at Sorpesee offers you as a passionate angler everything your heart desires.

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