On the road by bike in the Lippe-Möhnesee region

#deinsauerland / Service / Journalists & Bloggers / Presseinformationen / On the road by bike in the Lippe-Möhnesee region

Impressive landscapes, historic cultural monuments and exciting nature experiences - the discovery route Wasser.Wege.Winkel connects seven towns and communities in the districts of Soest, Paderborn and Warendorf on a 130-kilometer route. This year, cyclists can combine their excursion to the Lippe-Möhnesee region with a stamp pass campaign and, with a little luck, win lucrative prizes.

Along the way, 57 stations such as overgrown ruins, historic Altstadt towns and unique nature reserves are just waiting to be discovered. Due to the routing from the Möhnesee as starting point in the south up to the destination Delbrück in the north, the route is at the same time a direct connection of the nationally known cycle routes Emsradweg and RuhrtalRadweg. Small tip: With the free Wasser.Wege.Winkel app and the videos, 360° images and animations it contains, the excursion becomes even more interesting.

And this year, a bike tour on the EntdeckerRoute is doubly worthwhile. Because a stamp pass campaign from May 15 to September 30 offers the chance to win lucrative prizes such as an overnight stay at the Akzent Hotel Jonathan in Lippstadt or a voucher for an alpaca hike at the Steinhorster Becken in Delbrück. What do you have to do? Simply fill the stamp passports at a total of seven stations on the tour with location-specific stamps and cycle your way bit by bit to a chance to win. The stamp pass is available at the tourist information offices of the municipalities as well as at the following stamp stations:

Möhnesee: Tourist-Info, Hauptstraße 19, 59519 Möhnesee
Soest: Tourist-Info, Teichsmühlengasse 3, 59494 Soest (only during opening hours)
Bad Sassendorf: Westphalia Salt Worlds, An der Rosenau 2, 59505 Bad Sassendorf
Lippetal: Citizen's office in the town hall, Bahnhofstraße 7, 59510 Lippetal
Wadersloh: Museum Abbey Liesborn, Abteiring 8, 59329 Wadersloh
Lippstadt: City information office at the city hall, Lange Straße 14, 59556 Lippstadt
Delbrück: Café am Kirchplatz, Kirchplatz 15, 33129 Delbrück

Outside the opening hours, cyclists have the opportunity to stamp their passports with the location-specific stamps themselves via specially set-up stamp boxes in the entrance areas. The project is supported by the LEADER Region Lippe-Möhnesee.

Once the stamp passport is completely filled, it only needs to be submitted. This can be done either by mail to Sauerland-Tourismus e.V., Johannes-Hummel-Weg 1, 57392 Schmallenberg, Germany, with the subject: Wasser.Wege.Winkel or by handing it in directly at one of the stamp stations. And with a little luck you might be one of the winners. By the way, there will be two draws. The deadline for the first drawing is Friday, July 15, 2022, and the deadline for the second drawing is Friday, September 30, 2022. Further information to the wheel route as well as to the profit play receives interested ones under www.wasser-wege-winkel.de.

Contact for the press:
Rouven Soyka, Sauerland tourism registered association.
Johannes Hummel way 1, 57392 Schmallenberg
Tel.: 02974-969830, E-Mail: presse@sauerland.com


Radfahrerinnen genießen ihre Pause auf der Tour. - © Sauerland-Tourismus e.V. / sabrinity.com

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