Why is the forest doing so badly?

What are the causes of the changes in the forest?

Storms, heat, drought and pests - all causes for the current state of the forest in Südwestfalen.

For decades, the forest has been a popular recreation area for citizens seeking relaxation and vacationers in Sauerland and Siegen-Wittgenstein, and at the same time the livelihood of many local forest owners. Unfortunately, in recent years, increased storms, long dry periods in the summers and, not least, pests such as the bark beetle have severely weakened and affected the forest stands. The spruce, which is found in large stands in Südwestfalen, is particularly affected. Instead of green conifers, brown, dead spruce trees now dominate the landscape in many places.

But what kind of animal destroys such large areas of forest?

District forester Anna-Maria Hille explains how the bark beetle harms our trees:

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