Water tower Krummenerl

Industrial monument

#deinsauerland / Outdooractive POIs / Water tower Krummenerl

Historic railroad water tower and the last of its kind in the Märkischer Kreis.

Der historische Wasserturm

Der Wasserturm steht bei der Ortschaft Krummenerl

Das Gebäude steht unter Denkmalschutz


Water tower Krummenerl


58540 Meinerzhagen

Telefon: 02354/77171

The railroad water tower was built in 1923 in the vicinity of the (former) station area in Krummenerl on the Meinerzhagen-Krummenerl branch line, which is now privately owned. At that time, the water tower served as a water supply for the steam locomotives. It is the last preserved railroad water tower in the Märkischer Kreis. Because of its special significance, it is protected as a technical monument.

Still a water tower from the outside, the interior of the tower has since been converted into a residence.

Coordinates: 51.04481 N 7.45169 E

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