Stone ridge sources

Historical site

#deinsauerland / Outdooractive POIs / Stone ridge sources

The history of Suttrop has always been shaped by water and lime. For this reason, the Steinrücken springs were reopened in 2012 and set in limestone to highlight the historical importance of water and lime for the region. The place is an information point of the long-distance bike trail "Steine und Mehr".




As early as 800 A.D. settlers had already recognized the special fertility of the limestone soil at the Suttrop Steinrücken and the never-ending springs at the edge of the limestone massif, which guaranteed a continuous water supply, made them settle there.

From the water sources at the foot of the stone ridge, the small farming families used to draw the vital drinking water for people and animals. From around 1900 onwards, the streams were increasingly piped and led underground into the woods, before private initiatives opened up the springs again in 2012.

As a result, the area where the Weber-Berres farm used to stand was prepared as a meeting place, seating was set up, and flowers and bushes were planted.

In Suttrop you can still discover the long history of the district in its appearance. There are winding streets, small farmhouses, the historic half-timbered house "Haus Steinrücken" and the St. Johannes church to discover.

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