Rubbing pile "roots and erosion&


#deinsauerland / Outdooractive POIs / Rubbing pile "roots and erosion&amp

Rubbing pile (sculpture) - roots and erosion

Scheuerpfahl Wurzeln


Rubbing pile "roots and erosion&


58566 Kierspe

Telefon: 02353/4829



Artist: Dana van Rijssen (Marienheide), wood sculptor

Object: Roots and erosion

Roots mean home and security, they are the expression of attachment to a place. They give us the stability from which we can develop. This grounding allows us to shape our environment, in trusting co-creation of the society that surrounds us, to which we feel we belong.

Location: Kierspe VolmeFreizeitPark (Coordinates: 51.127765, 7.617662)

More: In the VolmeFreizeitPark there are enough possibilities for playing and spending time for young and old!

In the course of the project "Scouring Poles for the Volme Valley", 20 artistically designed scouring poles will be set up in the four municipalities that have joined together to form the region Above on the Volme. They are intended to point out special features in the Volme Valley, serve as landmarks or invite reflection. The X 20 hiking trail, which connects Schalksmühle, Halver, Kierspe and Meinerzhagen over a distance of 20 kilometers, serves as a bracket.

The initiator and sponsor of the project is the VAKT art association from Halver. The NRW Ministry for Home Affairs, Municipal Affairs, Building and Equality has funded the project. The Minister Ina Scharrenbach personally brought the funding notice to Halver on the Saturday before Christmas 2019.

Rubbing stakes have their origin in agriculture. Farmers put them on the Weide so that cattle could rub against them. In the Volmetal Valley, the stakes are also meant to figuratively indicate points of friction. They should draw attention to special places, stimulate discussion or help to rediscover home.

All information without guarantee!

Main opening times:

Sunday opened
Monday opened
Tuesday opened
Wednesday opened
Thursday opened
Friday opened
Saturday opened


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