RestPlace nutrition and herbs


#deinsauerland / Outdooractive POIs / RestPlace nutrition and herbs

Healthy delights and treasures in the medicinal herb and fruit garden.

The RastOrt nutrition and herbs invites you to feel the Kneipp elements nutrition, medicinal herbs and life order.

The large medicinal herb beds are arranged by topic and leave no questions unanswered. The meadow orchard with "old varieties" show us the diversity of local fruit varieties. The Boul-Spiel-Bahn lets you relax just as much as the inviting benches along the way. Also the bee colonies placed in the back area, well protected, are certainly an interesting natural spectacle.





RestPlace nutrition and herbs

Ruhrstraße 32

59939 Olsberg

Telefon: 02962-97370

Fax: 02962-973737



Feel the five elements with all your senses at the Kneipp rest areas of the Kneipp ErlebnisPark Olsberg.

Enjoy the park the Kneipp way.

Always along the Kneipp AktivWeges and the rivers Ruhr and Gierskopp, the well-being route leads you to the Kneipp herb and fruit garden. enjoy the movement, find peace and perhaps inner balance and learn interesting facts about nutrition and medicinal herbs.

Here in the RastOrt Ernährung und Heilkräuter we invite you to get to know the "pharmacy of God", as Pastor Kneipp once called the variety of native wild plants. The orchard with partly even old and rare varieties, is a special eye-catcher in the RastOrt nutrition and herbs.

Varied information boards tell interesting facts about these trees, shrubs and plants.

(Texts: Tourism Brilon Olsberg)


Freier Eintritt: 0 €

Main opening times:

Sunday opened
Monday opened
Tuesday opened
Wednesday opened
Thursday opened
Friday opened
Saturday opened

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