Little Tea House / First Children Bath House

Historical site

#deinsauerland / Outdooractive POIs / Little Tea House / First Children Bath House

Where soap was once made and children bathed, there is now a neat café-teahouse in the spa park.

Kleines Teehaus Bad Sassendorf


Little Tea House / First Children Bath House

Im Kurpark

59505 Bad Sassendorf

Telefon: 02921-6723887



Many Sassendorf residents know that the "Little Tea House" was originally a soap and soda factory under the management of the von Viebahn family. In the middle of the 19th century, this building was used for a round decade as part of the local salt industry. A small chemical factory was raised here. After the factory was closed down, the first children's bathhouse of the Bad Sassendorf children's sanatorium was built in these premises.

Today, you can taste exquisite tea and coffee specialties here and indulge in a piece of cake. For more information about the café and opening hours, please visit


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