
Natural monument

In Schanze, the forest was preserved on a state-owned area as Kyrill left it, in 2007. A path about 1000 meters long leads visitors through this area.

Kyrillpfad Schmallenberg-Schnaze

Ranger auf dem Kyrillpfad

Holzsteg auf dem Kyrillpfad

Ranger mit Baumscheibe in der Hand




57392 Schmallenberg

Telefon: 02972-9702-0 oder 0171-5871651


On January 18, 2007, storm Kyrill destroyed large areas of forest in Südwestfalen. In Schanze, the forest on a state-owned site has been preserved as Kyrill left it. On a path more than 1000 m long, visitors can experience the chaos left behind by Kyrill directly and up close. For wheelchair users and families with small children, a part of the path, of 250 meters, has been made barrier-free. The Kyrill-Pfad is located on the left side at the end of the village Schanze in the Schmallenberg Sauerland. It begins at the Ranger Station-Schanze. Parking is available at the hikers' parking lot at the beginning of the village of Schanze. From the Bad Berleburg-Kühude hikers' parking lot, you can reach the Kyrill-Pfad via the WaldSkulpturenWeg in about 1 hour. The Kyrill-Pfad begins on the right side shortly after the sculpture "Krummstab". The Rothaarsteig rangers offer guided hikes on the Kyrill-Pfad by appointment.(Source: Wittgensteiner Wanderland)The Kyrill-Pfad is one of the 43 Sauerland-Seelenorte in the Sauerland-Wanderdörfer. The history of the soul place of Michael Gleich and other useful information can be found at Info about your hike along the Kyill-Pfad can be found at the following link

Main opening times:

We are open all day everyday.


Freier Eintritt: 0 €

Der Kyrill-Pfad kann kostenfrei besichtigt werden.:


In the village of Schanze itself there is a hikers' parking lot for the visitors.

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