Kneblinghausen Roman Camp

Historical site

#deinsauerland / Outdooractive POIs / Kneblinghausen Roman Camp

A fortification about one kilometer south of the district of Kneblinghausen in the North Rhine-Westphalian town of Rüthen(district of Soest) is called the Kneblinghausen Roman Camp.

Wegweiser zum Römerlager

Archäölogen bei der Ausgrabung am Römerlager

Clavicula Tor


Kneblinghausen Roman Camp

Hochstr. 14

59602 Rüthen

Telefon: 02952-818-172 o. -173

Fax: 02952-818170



The archaeological site near Kneblinghausen has been rediscovered in its basic structures by scientific excavation campaigns since 1901.

It is about two camp areas congruent in large parts of its perimeter, which were about 10 ha (older camp) and about 7.5 ha (younger camp), respectively, and were made accessible by four gates (so-called clavicula) see picture.

While the fortifications of the camp (rampart, pointed ditch, wood-earth wall and gates) could be proved to a large extent, the building and use of the inner areas has not been clarified yet. It has been established, however, that a Germanic settlement existed here before the Romans, as evidenced by corresponding pottery finds.

The very few finds that can be attributed to the Romans do not yet allow a precise chronological or functional classification of the camp, so that many questions remain unanswered for the interested public as well as for the responsible scientists.
For the visitor, however, there are possibilities on site to measure the dimensions of the camp areas by walking around and to obtain further information on the basis of the information boards set up there.


Freier Eintritt: 0 €

Main opening times:

Sunday opened
Monday opened
Tuesday opened
Wednesday opened
Thursday opened
Friday opened
Saturday opened

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