Haus Düsse Agricultural Center

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#deinsauerland / Outdooractive POIs / Haus Düsse Agricultural Center

The Haus Düsse Agricultural Center offers hands-on agriculture, interesting not only for children and professionals!

Landwirtschaftszentrum Haus Düsse


Haus Düsse Agricultural Center

OT Ostinghausen

59505 Bad Sassendorf

Telefon: 02945-989-0

Fax: 02945-989-133



Traditional and modern agriculture, these are the topics to which the agricultural center "Haus Düsse" of the State Chamber of Commerce of North Rhine-Westphalia is dedicated, which is established in the former "Rittergut Ostinghausen".

Haus Düsse sees its tasks in imparting skills and knowledge in training and further education, in the development of practical, environmentally compatible and animal-friendly production methods for agriculture, in the testing of breeding animals and their offspring, origin testing, product testing for feedstuffs as well as in consumer information and public relations.

The areas of responsibility include pig farming, cattle and sheep farming, poultry farming, arable farming, renewable raw materials and training and further education in agriculture.

Haus Düsse regularly offers farm tours for different interest groups. From 10 to 70 people (groups of 35 or more are divided) can get an insight into the operations of the agricultural center. The duration of the tour depends on the wishes of the groups, usually it is between 1 and 2 hours. With the exception of the testing barns, all parts of the operation can be visited. Due to the variety of tasks and facilities, a pre-selection is recommended.

As a consumer group, you will gain an overall insight into modern agriculture and visit, for example, the dairy barn, the milking parlor, the calf barn, the bull barn, the sow barn, piglet rearing and the fattening barn. An exhibition pavilion has been set up on the subject of "renewable raw materials". If required, you can also visit the combined heat and power plant, the biogas plant or the bee house. Special, child-friendly tours are also offered for kindergartens and schools. For example, children can come into direct contact with the cattle and pigs in the animal area. Teaching content can be deepened with practical demonstrations (after prior consultation between the teacher and Haus Düsse). For agricultural groups (professional visitors), courses are offered for farmers in general, for pig farmers in general, for sow farmers, for pig fatteners, for cattle farmers or for arable farmers, depending on the subject.

Haus Düsse also has various rooms that can be rented for conferences, seminars and events. An overnight accommodation facility with catering is also attached to the house. Leisure facilities, e.g. a bowling alley, as well as various services complete the offer. Please inform yourself online or by phone 02945-9890!

Main opening times:

We are open all day everyday.


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