Große Freiheit Siebenstern

Natural monument

#deinsauerland / Outdooractive POIs / Große Freiheit Siebenstern

A barrier-free hiking or walking trail

Siebenstern am barrierearmen Wanderweg

Große Freiheit Siebenstern


Große Freiheit Siebenstern

Landstrasse nach Brilon

59939 Olsberg

Telefon: 02962 97370

Fax: 02962 973737



Whether by roller, bicycle or quite classically on foot: boundless hiking and nautical enjoyment awaits on the barrier-free trail "Große Freiheit Siebenstern".

The trail leads one kilometer along the scenic Waldroute and back. At six nature experience stations small and large Endecker collect impressions from the domestic flora and fauna.

At the tree telephone or xylophone there is something for the ears, the drivable high seat offers unusual views and the tree puzzle stimulates the grey cells.

( Texts; Tourism Brilon Olsberg)

Main opening times:

Sunday opened
Monday opened
Tuesday opened
Wednesday opened
Thursday opened
Friday opened
Saturday opened


Freier Eintritt: 0 €

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