Grain distillery Schneider


#deinsauerland / Outdooractive POIs / Grain distillery Schneider

The company H.& F. Schneider was founded in 1869 under the name Schneider & Vieregge in Bestwig-Nuttlar on the iron hammer. A distillation and liqueur factory was operated here, producing high-proof Sauerland grain.

Alte Kornbrennerei in Bestwig-Nuttlar


Grain distillery Schneider

Briloner Str. 8

59909 Bestwig

Telefon: 02904-97180

Fax: 02904-971820



In 1874, a plot of land was acquired on the Alfert, between Nuttlar and Bestwig, for the present site. From 1884, production took place here, on the western edge of the town in the immediate vicinity of the Ruhr and the railroad. A steam grain distillery and pressed yeast factory were added to the company. In 1893, the foundation stone was laid for the 52 m high factory chimney. 110 years later in 2003 the chimney was demolished. Other branches of the company were the production of mineral water under the name Selterswasser, as well as the production of fermentation vinegar.

In 1898, the company was registered in the Commercial Register under the name of H.& F. Schneider. At the beginning of the 20th century, the company had already achieved national importance, not least due to the production of Cito yeast. But Scheiders also produced juices. "Flobs apple juice" and the "Sauerland mountain raspberry syrup" were the talk of the town. From 1922, a well-known "Sauerland Mountain Raspberry Spirit" was distilled in Schneider's fruit distillery, and in the 1930s a new department was added which produced baking aids, feeds from molasses, malt and yeast extract, and a meat extract similar to Liebig's meat extract.

Many specialties were awarded gold and grand prizes during the years, as well as the prize of the best in gold.

Old tailor: The "Quite Old Tailor" is not an aged grandfather. Rather, he is the "showpiece", a specialty and a top product of the Sauerland Edelkornbrennerei H.& F. Schneider, Nuttlar. The brands "Ganz Alter Schneider", "Kahler Asten" and "Kahler-Asten Feuer" continue to be produced according to the original Sauerland recipe by Schwarze&Schlichte, Oelde, as in the days of the founding fathers. The "Nutcracker" is produced by the Paehler company in Rietberg. These Schneider products are sold at the Nuttlar location.

Opening hours: Permanently closed!

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