Geologischer Aufschluss - Borghagen Quarry

Nature experience point

#deinsauerland / Outdooractive POIs / Geologischer Aufschluss - Borghagen Quarry

Experience Geology - Borghagen Quarry in Medebach/Düdinghausen

The GrenzWelten Geopark encompasses a geologically varied and scenic low mountain range landscape in the border region between northern Hesse and North Rhine-Westphalia. It offers exciting insights into the history of the earth and the development of the natural and cultural landscape.

Steinbruch Borghagen in Medebach-Düdinghausen


Geologischer Aufschluss - Borghagen Quarry

59964 Medebach



Borghagen Quarry - Where Cephalopods Swam in the Sea

Here you can see rock folds and learn which marine animals lived here in the Lower Carboniferous period, about 320 million years ago. The quarry wall is a state-protected geotope. Access to the quarry wall is prohibited.

What fossils can be found here?

The rock layers carry mainly shells, cephalopods, some curled, some straight stretched, and also often plant remains. In the so-called crenistria horizon of the limestone beds you can find the fossil of the same name Goniatites crenistria, a curled cephalopod.

You can find the quarry at the end of Düdinghausen on the L854 in the direction of Usseln.

Text source: Touristik-Gesellschaft Medebach mbH

Main opening times:

Sunday opened
Monday opened
Tuesday opened
Wednesday opened
Thursday opened
Friday opened
Saturday opened

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