(Former) forge and bakehouse

Industrial monument

#deinsauerland / Outdooractive POIs / (Former) forge and bakehouse

The historical building of the former blacksmith's shop is a quarry stone building dating back to the 18th century.

Die Gebäude der historischen Anlage

Frontansicht der ehemaligen Schmiede


(Former) forge and bakehouse

Oberbuschhausen 4

58553 Halver

Telefon: 02353/73145



The former blacksmith's shop, built in 1750-99, is a one-story, boarded-up half-timbered building, probably from the second half of the 18th century. The former bakehouse next to it, a one-story quarry stone building with a gable roof, probably dates from the same period.

According to the current status, only exterior visits are possible here.

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