Defibrillator St. Valentin pharmacy

Info point

#deinsauerland / Outdooractive POIs / Defibrillator St. Valentin pharmacy

Basically, you can't do anything wrong. The device will guide you through the individual steps precisely.


Defibrillator St. Valentin pharmacy

Obringhauser Straße 4

57392 Schmallenberg

Telefon: 112



You will be guided through the individual steps with a voice function!

Brief description:
1. Emergency call 112
2. Cardiac massage
3. Open the AED flap
4. Tear open the electrode pack
5. Stick both electrodes (as shown) onto the bare, dry chest.
6. follow the instructions!
7. if "Shock recommended": "Press the orange shock button!"

Main opening times:

We are open all day everyday.

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