Cross Chapel


The Belecke Cross Chapel was built in 1724 and named after an old pilgrimage cross. Today it is located in the Provost Church in Belecke.

Kreuzkapelle Belecke


Cross Chapel

Mülheimer Straße

59581 Warstein



Until the 17th century, the oldest chapel in Belecke was located on the site of today's Chapel of the Cross. In it, unfortunates and the terminally ill, who had to live outside the town due to epidemic diseases, had the opportunity to pray.

During the Seven Years' War, the chapel was occasionally used as a powder magazine. Because of the nearby traffic, the place of contemplative contemplation was often questioned. The two bells disappeared during the First World War. But for several years they have been reinstated and ring three times a day for the "Angel of the Lord". The chapel itself is still used today for devotions and school services. Nearby are the Külbensteine, the remains of a once larger limestone rock.

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