Stefan Cordes - BILLIE

Culture in the castle

#deinsauerland / Neusta Events / Stefan Cordes - BILLIE

Stefan Cordes©Astrid Eckert.jpg


Bühne divers Vortrag/Lesung Sonstiges

Price information

Prices: € 15,- / reduced € 10,-

Ticket sales:
Kulturinformation Lippstadt in the town hall
Tel.: 02941 58511
Mon - Fri 10 am - 6 pm, Sat 10 am - 2 pm


Schlossbühne Overhagen Schloßgraben 17 - 19
59556 Lippstadt
Culture in the castle
Stefan Cordes, born in '69, presents his first novel: Billie, the youngest of the Greifswald mayor's three daughters, discovers the magic and power of poetry in the midst of the Thirty Years' War and, despite all the dangers, writes poems against hatred.

Sibylla Schwarz was celebrated in the 17th century as the "Pomeranian Sappho", but she was not accorded a place in the male canon of poets and was almost forgotten until today. Stefan Cordes brings Billie, far ahead of her time, back to life: Modern, gripping and poetic!


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