Lennestadt lights up

#deinsauerland / Neusta Events / Lennestadt lights up

Lennnestadt Leuchtet Walkact TalVITAL©Tourist-Information Lennestadt & Kirchhundem.JPG

Lennnestadt Leuchtet TalVITAL2©Tourist-Information Lennestadt & Kirchhundem.JPG

Bergbaumuseum Siciliaschacht bei Lennestadt leuchtet


Bühne divers Festival/Open-Air Gastronomie Genuss/Gourmet Kinderprogramm Konzert divers Markt Stadtfest/Kirmes/Jahrmarkt


Aktionsring Lennestadt-Altenhundem e.V. Marktplatz
57368 Lennestadt
A colorful program for the whole family will take place again this weekend at various locations in Lennestadt. Special light, great illuminations of various buildings and monuments, an autumn festival with Sunday shopping, events organized by individual village communities and a street food festival... There's something for everyone here.

More information on the individual program items will follow!


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