Gankino Circus

#deinsauerland / Neusta Events / Gankino Circus

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Price information

Regular: 25,- €

Ticket sales:
Kulturinformation Lippstadt in the town hall
Tel.: 02941 58511
Mon - Fri 10 a.m. - 6 p.m., Sat 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.

A contingent of tickets can be booked online via Vibus-Tickets


Stadttheater Lippstadt Cappeltor 3
59555 Lippstadt
Gankino Circus will certainly massage the diaphragm this evening with their program: "The Last of Their Kind" - the title hits the nail on the head. Four world-class virtuoso music professionals, gifted storytellers and oddball characters, an enchantingly twisted stage show and a large portion of provincial madness - where, pray tell, can you still find that today?
Hilarious anecdotes, breakneck acrobatics and a spectacular revelation, at the center of which is a drilling machine, meet a folk music madness that is second to none. Two years ago, they already had the audience in the sold-out Stadttheater on the edge of their seats - this time too, Gankino Circus promises an anarchically crazy, brilliant show


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